There are several factors behind this kind of heart problems. The heart rhythm is fast as well as irregular. There are actually two types of Heart Flutter: the Atrial Flutter and Ventricular Flutter.
Atrial Flutter
The Atrial Flutter is an abnormal heart condition that develops in the atria. It typically manifests fast heart rate with a pulse rate of above 100 beats per minute. The atrial flutter rate is 300 beats each minute. The individual may feel fast and also racing heart rate. Premature electrical impulses of the atria are propagated. Additionally it is a type of supra-ventricular tachycardia. This problem can also appear in some individuals with normal heart rhythms. It is generally brought on by hypertension, diabetes, as well as coronary artery disorder. Nonetheless additional factors may lead to the development of this problem for example: chronic alcoholism, medications, bypass heart surgery, heart failure, overactive thyroid gland, pericarditis, and also heart valve disorder. Due to the fact the rhythm is not stable, it could also cause atrial fibrillation. The symptoms and signs are not usually seen. In some cases, individuals with this kind of problem will only experience normal fast heart rate and regular heart palpitations. It can also result from just a normal response to some individuals who had just finished a rigorous workout. However for individuals with heart disorders, they will experience signs and symptoms like breathing difficulties, chest pains, nausea, dizziness, and also light headache. In worst circumstances, this disorder can complicate to heart failure. This occurs when the heart can no more compensate its regular activity.
It has two categories, the type I and type II. The type I is known as typical atrial flutter. It has a rate of 240 to 340 beats for each minute. This is subdivided into two: the counter clockwise atrial flutter, which is generally seen with inverter ECG leads of II, III along with the AVF. The other kind is actually the clockwise atrial flutter with upper right flutter waves of ECG II, III, as well as AVF.
This problem can be managed via cardio version and also ablation. Cardio version is the application of low electric shock of 20 to 50 joules. It aims to reverse or perhaps reset the sinus rhythm to the regular pattern. The Ablation process makes use of the electrophysiology to alter a ridge of a scar tissue causing the circuit that leads to flutter. This is the best known treatment of this type of flutter.
Complications of this heart condition are heart failure from prolonged tachycardia, thrombus as well as clots formation from the pooling of the blood in the atria, and also sudden cardiac death. Sudden cardiac death takes place when the heart can no more compensate the fast heart rate that may cause ventricular fibrillation.
Ventricular Flutter
The Ventricular Flutter is a kind of arrhythmia. It is the tachycardia that includes the ventricles. It has a flutter rate of 250 to 350 beats per minute. It consists of a sinusoidal in the ECG and also no clear QRS and T waves. The ventricles depolarize rapidly and disrupt the normal heart function. The individual may feel fast and also racing heart rate. It will result in poor cardiac output that may result in complications for example Ischemia or Ischemic Heart Problems. Ischemia is caused by poor oxygenation of the blood in the heart. Further reasons include: chronic alcoholism, medicines, bypass heart surgery, heart failure, and also heart valve disease As compared to atrial flutter; it is a much more complicated type. It may happen as early as infancy, childhood, or perhaps at adulthood. This is a result of hypertension, coronary artery disorder, as well as congenital disorders. The individual with this type of problem will experience breathing difficulties, chest pain, dizziness, activity intolerance, and also feeling of being tired. This problem if not treated can progress to a fatal abnormal heart condition named Ventricular Fibrillation.
This problem can be clinically diagnosed via ECG. Its treatment methods are not specific but programmed electric stimulation procedure can be done to enhance the normal rhythm of the heart.
Atrial Flutter
The Atrial Flutter is an abnormal heart condition that develops in the atria. It typically manifests fast heart rate with a pulse rate of above 100 beats per minute. The atrial flutter rate is 300 beats each minute. The individual may feel fast and also racing heart rate. Premature electrical impulses of the atria are propagated. Additionally it is a type of supra-ventricular tachycardia. This problem can also appear in some individuals with normal heart rhythms. It is generally brought on by hypertension, diabetes, as well as coronary artery disorder. Nonetheless additional factors may lead to the development of this problem for example: chronic alcoholism, medications, bypass heart surgery, heart failure, overactive thyroid gland, pericarditis, and also heart valve disorder. Due to the fact the rhythm is not stable, it could also cause atrial fibrillation. The symptoms and signs are not usually seen. In some cases, individuals with this kind of problem will only experience normal fast heart rate and regular heart palpitations. It can also result from just a normal response to some individuals who had just finished a rigorous workout. However for individuals with heart disorders, they will experience signs and symptoms like breathing difficulties, chest pains, nausea, dizziness, and also light headache. In worst circumstances, this disorder can complicate to heart failure. This occurs when the heart can no more compensate its regular activity.
It has two categories, the type I and type II. The type I is known as typical atrial flutter. It has a rate of 240 to 340 beats for each minute. This is subdivided into two: the counter clockwise atrial flutter, which is generally seen with inverter ECG leads of II, III along with the AVF. The other kind is actually the clockwise atrial flutter with upper right flutter waves of ECG II, III, as well as AVF.
This problem can be managed via cardio version and also ablation. Cardio version is the application of low electric shock of 20 to 50 joules. It aims to reverse or perhaps reset the sinus rhythm to the regular pattern. The Ablation process makes use of the electrophysiology to alter a ridge of a scar tissue causing the circuit that leads to flutter. This is the best known treatment of this type of flutter.
Complications of this heart condition are heart failure from prolonged tachycardia, thrombus as well as clots formation from the pooling of the blood in the atria, and also sudden cardiac death. Sudden cardiac death takes place when the heart can no more compensate the fast heart rate that may cause ventricular fibrillation.
Ventricular Flutter
The Ventricular Flutter is a kind of arrhythmia. It is the tachycardia that includes the ventricles. It has a flutter rate of 250 to 350 beats per minute. It consists of a sinusoidal in the ECG and also no clear QRS and T waves. The ventricles depolarize rapidly and disrupt the normal heart function. The individual may feel fast and also racing heart rate. It will result in poor cardiac output that may result in complications for example Ischemia or Ischemic Heart Problems. Ischemia is caused by poor oxygenation of the blood in the heart. Further reasons include: chronic alcoholism, medicines, bypass heart surgery, heart failure, and also heart valve disease As compared to atrial flutter; it is a much more complicated type. It may happen as early as infancy, childhood, or perhaps at adulthood. This is a result of hypertension, coronary artery disorder, as well as congenital disorders. The individual with this type of problem will experience breathing difficulties, chest pain, dizziness, activity intolerance, and also feeling of being tired. This problem if not treated can progress to a fatal abnormal heart condition named Ventricular Fibrillation.
This problem can be clinically diagnosed via ECG. Its treatment methods are not specific but programmed electric stimulation procedure can be done to enhance the normal rhythm of the heart.
About the Author:
The hypertensive disease is fast becoming one of several life threatening conditions among developed and developing nations around the world. In case you desire to know more regarding the disease you can click on our site.