What To Look For In A Yoga Mat Harness Strap

By Tameka Mangini

More and more people are turning to yoga as a way to stay fit as well as a way to find some calm in a busy world. While a good percentage of people practice at home, most visit gyms or studios for their sessions. Most studios have mats available for their members to use, however, many people find it preferable to bring their own mat with them to class. These people find it necessary to transport their mats back and forth and using a yoga mat harness strap is the easiest way to accomplish that.

There are several types of straps or yoga totes available which makes it easy to find one that suits just about anyone's needs. Quite possibly the simplest device is a strap with a buckle or velcro closure. To use it, you simple roll your mat up, wrap the straps around the roll, and fasten the buckles or velcro closures. There is usually a long adjustable strap attached to the two smaller straps that wrap around the rolled mat, which can be held in your hand or slung over your shoulder.

Another type uses elastic bands to hold the rolled mat. The potential downside to this apparatus is having to maneuver the elastic over the mat. It can be difficult to achieve this, leaving the owner frustrated.

There are gym bags that have straps attached to them for holding your mat. This is an attractive option if you need to get changed at the gym and require a gym bag. However, many of these use elastic bands which can be difficult to slide over the roll. Also, the mat may end up taking room away from the inside of the bag, depending on the design.

There are also bags that are available that will fit only a mat. This is a long, tube-shaped bag, often with a drawstring. There is a handle attached that a person can carry either over their shoulder or in their hand. These can be made of many different types of fabric, and some of them will prove difficult to slide over a mat.

Yoga totes will keep the weather or any dirt or germs away from your mat. This can help you stay healthy and will prolong the life of your mat. They can also be quite expressive because you can choose from many different colors, patterns, and even different types of fabric.

People who are so inclined can make their best yoga bag with little fuss. There are websites that show you how to fashion a yoga mat harness strap from a leash for a dog. Sewing a simple yoga tote is quite simple with the assistance of a sewing machine.

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